The school catering team makes every effort to provide carefully balanced and nutritious meals each day. Cooked meals are made on site and are eaten in the main room in our baby and toddler rooms and in the garden room in nursery school. Our Room Staff, Bev and Maria supervise lunches. 

Dolce School Catering provide our lunchtime meals from the school kitchen at Parish Church Primary School.

Parents can pay for their child's meals by cheque or directly through the bank. Cheques should be made payable to Brougham Street Nursery School. Meals can be paid for in advance, weekly or within your monthly invoice.

We strongly feel that by eating a hot meal together, sitting at tables and using the appropriate cutlery, children develop good life long habits. All meals are provided in the classroom, so that children are eating in familiar surroundings.

Bev is our Nursery School Cook. Did you know that her favourite type of food is Chinese food? We asked her what she would order from the take away and she said 'Chicken Satay Skewers, Noodles and Shredded Crispy Beef. Yum!'  


Maria is our midday supervisor, she absolutely loves working here. The atmosphere at lunchtimes is calm and has a real family feel to it. 


Take a look at the meals that we will be having this half term
