Our Nursery School Team Are: Beccy, Caroline, Daisy, Lorraine, Fiona and Silas

beccy     caroline     daisy

lorraine     fiona     silas

Features of our classroom

Introducing Our Inviting Nursery School Room: Creating the perfect conditions for comfort, learning and community.

  • Eco-Friendly Design
  • Warm and welcoming
  • Free-flow between indoor and outdoor provision
  • A book-rich environment
  • Celebrating children's achievements in all that we do
  • Aesthetically pleasing environment


Beccy is our qualified Nursery School Teacher and she leads the talented group of staff who comprise of: Lorraine, Daisy, Caroline, Afreen,Fiona and Silas, our apprentice.

Our day starts at 8:45am. When the children arrive, they take part in self-registration by finding their name in the basket and they then hang it up on the tree. Children are encouraged to hang up their own coats on their pegs, which helps them to take responsibility for their belongings and to be independent. Each child is given a nursery school bag - coloured to match their key person group - for their spare changes of clothes, and this is kept on their named pegs as well. Much of our learning involves the wonderful world of messy and sensory exploration - with paint, water, gloop and soil - and although we provide aprons, children will get messy, so please send your child in clothes that can be easily washed!​

We are very experienced in helping children to settle into nursery school life and many of us are parents and therefore understand how important the early years are.

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photo playground