The children spend most of their session in “free flow play”, both indoors and outdoors.
Our outdoor learning area is freely accessible to children all day, and features a sandpit, a mud kitchen, sensory garden, pebbled stream, and an outdoor classroom.
We take pride in our child led approach and really enjoy following the interests of the children and extending their learning in this way.
We learn outside in all weathers: waterproofs and wellies are provided for the children.
Inside our calm and inviting classroom, children find a variety of activities to choose from. Mark making, sand, water, playdough, paint and blocks are typically available as part of our continuous provision, along with our home corner and reading area. In addition to this there are carefully planned and enhanced activities designed to inspire children and extend their learning.
Children have free access to jugs of water and learn to pour their own drinks. They are involved in preparing the fresh fruit at snack time, assisted by a member of staff. This is an excellent opportunity to learn about good nutrition, counting and to practice fine motor skills. It also reinforces the importance of patience, sharing, and good manners.
The team meet regularly to identify learning aims for each of the children. Small group sessions are interwoven into the fabric of the day, featuring dance, reading, and other personalised learning opportunities. We are fortunate to have a highly qualified staff team who have a variety of interests and specialisms and they are able to cater to the wide range of interests held by the children. Tailoring learning to each child is effective in ensuring that every child can achieve their best.