Brougham Street Community Nursery School opened on the 17th February, 1944.

Baby Room - Web Versions (11)
Nursery Room - Web Versions 54
Toddler Room - Web Versions 9
Toddler Room - Web Versions 20

At the time it was known as 'Skipton Brougham Street War Time Hut'

An extract from one of the nursery's early inspections gives us more detail:

"Brougham Street Nursery School came into being in order that young children might be accommodated and suitably educated whilst their mothers were being employed in industry in Skipton or doing other work of importance to the nation’s war effort. A Wartime Nursery Hut was erected at one end of the girls’ playground at Skipton, Brougham Street Secondary Modern School as, apparently, there was no other convenient site available in the vicinity. The Hut was opened on the 17th February, 1944 and the original idea was that it would house 80 children, between the ages of 3 and 5 years."